It is the policy of the WCA to coordinate and deliver, develop and evaluate the BCU coaching scheme in Wales. The scheme should provide a professional service appropriate to the commercial, educational and voluntary sectors with an acknowledgement to the duty of care that the scheme must provide to members and non-members who participate in canoeing.
Coaching development should provide a framework to identify and train potential coaches and educate and update existing coaches so that they can fulfil their potential and responsibilities within the coaching scheme, within the demands of Health and Safety and the code of ethics prescribed by the Board.
The main function of this committee is to form coaching policy and deal with disciplinary procedures on behalf of the WCA.
The committee will look to address the four key areas of development for the Association:
Access and facilities.
The National Committee includes:
3 Regional Coaching organisers
1 National Slalom rep
1 Lifeguards rep
1 National Polo rep
1 Surf rep
1 National Racing rep
1 Freestyle rep
1 Rafting rep
1 People with disabilities rep
1 representative of National Centres
1 representative of Joint Services
1 National Access Officer (14).
The committee will vote in a chairperson, who will sit on the WCA Board of Directors. The representative of the National Centres, Joint Services representative and the National Access Officer are not eligible to stand as chair. All representatives and the chairperson will serve for two years. The purpose of the committee will be to determine policy and development for Welsh coaching and appropriate competition development from which the CDO can design and deliver strategy. The committee will also act as a forum for disciplinary procedures.
A member of the committee will also accompany the CDO to BCU meetings as required.
A regional committee is made up of:
1 Regional Coaching Organiser 4 Local Coaching Organisers
2 Competition representatives 1 Access / facilities officer